
Showing posts from April, 2021

Device manager open කිරීමට run command භාවිතා කරමු. Open Device Manager useing run command.

Device manager open කිරීමට run command භාවිතා කරමු. Open Device Manager useing run command. අප මෙයට භාවිතා කරන run command එක නම්( run command ),👇 devmgmt.msc ඔබගේ දෘඩාංග සංරචක සහ ඒවායේ ධාවක සම්බන්ධ සියල්ල කළමනාකරණය කිරීමට උපාංග කළමනාකරු ස්ථානයකි. ඔබට දෘඩාංග සංරචක සක්‍රිය / අබල කළ හැකිය. අස්ථාපනය කිරීම හෝ යාවත්කාලීන කිරීම වැනි ඔවුන්ගේ ධාවක කළමනාකරණය කරන්න. windows key +R එක වර press කර run box එක ලබා ගන්න. මෙය run box එක තුල type කර enter ඔබන්න. Device Manager is place to manage everything related to your hardware components and their drivers. You can enable/disable hardware components. Manage their drivers, like uninstalling or updating them. type this command and press enter. පොස්ටුව හොදනම් යාලුවන්ට share කරන්න.ඔබගේ අදහස් පහතින් comment කරන්න.අපගේ telegram චැනලය,facebook පිටුවට,twitter පිටුවට හා whatsapp group එකට එකතු වන්න.ස්තුතියි. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp gro...

ඔබේ පරිගණකයේ වැඩසටහන් uninstall කිරීමට run command භාවිතා කරන ආකාරය.Uninstall program in your computer use run command.

ඔබේ පරිගණකයේ වැඩසටහන් uninstall කිරීමට run command භාවිතා කරන ආකාරය.Uninstall program in your computer use run command. මෙම කාර්යය ඉටු කරගැනීමට අප මෙම run command එක භාවිතා කරයි. We use this run command to accomplish this task. run command - appwiz.cpl ඔබේ පරිගණකයේ appwiz.cpl විධානය භාවිතා කිරීමට, To use the appwiz.cpl command on your computer, පියවර 01: - ඔබේ යතුරුපුවරුවේ වින්ඩෝස් යතුර () + R එකවරම ඔබන්න. step 01 :- press the Windows Key ( ) + R on your keyboard at the same times. පියවර 02: - මෙම කොටුවේ, appwiz.cpl ටයිප් කර OK ක්ලික් කරන්න. step 02 :- In this box, type appwiz.cpl then click OK. මෙය ඔබගේ පරිගණකයේ දැනට ස්ථාපනය කර ඇති වැඩසටහන් ලැයිස්තුවක් විවෘත කරනු ඇත. අවශ්‍ය පරිදි අනවශ්‍ය වැඩසටහන් අස්ථාපනය කිරීම සඳහා ඔබට තේරීම් කළ හැකිය. This will open your list of currently installed programs on your computer. where you can make selections to uninstall unwanted programs as needed. 🔆පොස්ටුව හොදනම් යාලුවන්ට share කරන්න.ඔබගේ අදහස් පහතින් comment කරන්න.අපගේ telegram චැනලය,facebook පි...

මෑතකදී සංවෘත කල ටැබ් එකක් නැවත විවෘත කරන්න.( Reopen a Closed Tab )

මෑතකදී සංවෘත කල ටැබ් එකක් නැවත විවෘත කරන්න.( Reopen a Closed Tab ) 🔆ඔබ අන්තර්ජාලයේ සැරිසරමින් අහම්බෙන් ටැබ් එකක් වසා දැමුවා. Ctrl + Shift + T (Windows) හෝ Cmd + Shift + T (Mac) එබීමෙන් ඔබට එය ඉක්මනින් ආපසු විවෘත කරගත හැකිය. එය මෑතකදී වසා දැමූ ටැබ් එක නැවත විවෘත කර ඔබ කලින් කළ දේ වෙත ඔබව ගෙන යනු ඇත. 🔆you were browsing the internet and accidentally close a tab. You can quickly brings it back by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + T (Mac). It will be reopen the most recently closed tab and get you back to what you were doing before. 🔆පොස්ටුව හොදනම් යාලුවන්ට share කරන්න.ඔබගේ අදහස් පහතින් comment කරන්න.අපගේ telegram චැනලය,facebook පිටුවට,twitter පිටුවට හා whatsapp group එකට එකතු වන්න.ස්තුතියි. 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. 🔆Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

දෘඩ තැටියේ කිසිදු ප්‍රයෝජනයක් නොමැති ගොනු සොයා ඉවත් කිරීම.( Clean Disk Drive )

දෘඩ තැටියේ කිසිදු ප්‍රයෝජනයක් නොමැති ගොනු සොයා ඉවත් කිරීම.( Clean Disk Drive ) 🔆Disk clean up යනු මයික්‍රොසොෆ්ට් වින්ඩෝස් හි ඇතුළත් පරිගණක නඩත්තු උපයෝගීතාවයකි. පරිගණක දෘඩ තැටියේ තැටි ඉඩ නිදහස් කිරීමට නිර්මාණය කර ඇත. දෘඩ තැටිය තුල කිසිදු ප්‍රයෝජනයක් නොමැති ගොනු දෘඩතැටියේ සෙවීම සහ විශ්ලේෂණය කිරීම සිදුකර, පසුව අනවශ්‍ය ගොනු මකා දැමීම. 🔆Disk Clean up is a computer maintenance utility included in Microsoft Windows. Designed to free up disk space on computer hard drive. The utility first searches and analyzes the hard drive for file that are no longer of any use, and then delete the unnecessary files. මෙම පියව අනුගමනය කරන්න.(Follow this steps)👇 start menu Search Disk Cleanup Choose your desired Drive tick all the options and clean 🔆පොස්ටුව හොදනම් යාලුවන්ට share කරන්න.ඔබගේ අදහස් පහතින් comment කරන්න.අපගේ telegram චැනලය,facebook පිටුවට,twitter පිටුවට හා whatsapp group එකට එකතු වන්න.ස්තුතියි. 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram...

වින්ඩොස් reset කිරීමට notepad file එකක් සකසමු. ( Windows Reset )

වින්ඩොස් reset කිරීමට notepad file එකක් සකසමු. ( Windows Reset useing notepad file ) 🔆මෙය ක්‍රියා කිරීම මගින් මැකීයන දත්ත recovery කල නොහැක. මෙම code එක කොපි කර ඔබේ පරිගණකයේ notepad එකට past කර ඔබ කැමතිනමක් දී save කරන්න. නමේ අගට.bat ලෙස දෙන්න. උදා;- reset.bat 🔆This will delete your whole C:\ drive and it really unrecoverable. coppy code and past your computer notepad application and save it.file extension is .bat ex :- rest.bat Code: • @Echo off • Del C:\ *.* |y 🔆පොස්ටුව හොදනම් යාලුවන්ට share කරන්න.ඔබගේ අදහස් පහතින් comment කරන්න.අපගේ telegram චැනලය,facebook පිටුවට,twitter පිටුවට හා whatsapp group එකට එකතු වන්න.ස්තුතියි. 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. 🔆Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

ඔබේ windows පරිගණකයේ emoji keyboard එක open කරන ආකාරය. ( How to open Emoji keyboard in your computer.)

ඔබේ windows පරිගණකයේ emoji keyboard එක open කරන ආකාරය. How to open Emoji keyboard in your computer. 🔆ඔබට කරන්න තින්නේ ඉතා සුලුදෙයකි. මෙම පහතින් ඇති key ටික press කිරීම පමණි. windows පරිගණක වල 👇 windows key+. ( වින්ඩොස් කී එක සමග . සලකුන හා සලකුන ඇති බොත්තම් පිලිවෙලට ඔබන්න. මුලින් වින්ඩොස් කී එක පසුව අනෙක් එක.) මෙලෙස එබූ විට පැත්තෙන් emoji keyboard එක open වේ. macos වල👇 cmd+control+spacebar (වින්ඩොස් වල වගේම ඔය කී ටික පිලිවෙලට ඔබන්න. 🔆If you're addicted to using emoji, know desktop OS support them natively just like mobiles do. On Windows press the Windows Key + . (period) and on macOS Cmd + Control + Spacebar. An Emoji panel will appear so you can carry on as usual using all the expressions you want. 🔆පොස්ටුව ඔබේ යහලුවන් සමග share කරන්න.ඔබේ අදහස් පහතින් comment කරන්න.අපගේ telegram සමූහය,facebook පිටුව,twitter පිටුව,whatsapp group හා එකතු වන්න.ස්තුතියි. 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,...

POWERCFG විධානය භාවිතා කරමින් වින්ඩෝස් 10 බැටරි වාර්තාව ජනනය කිරීම.Generate Windows 10 Battery Report using POWERCFG command

POWERCFG විධානය භාවිතා කරමින් වින්ඩෝස් 10 බැටරි වාර්තාව ජනනය කිරීම.( Generate Windows 10 Battery Report using POWERCFG command) 💥 Step මෙම පියවර අනුගමනය කරන්න.( Follow this steps.) Step 01 :- CMD විවෘත කරන්න.(Open CMD in Admin Mode as above.) Step 02:- විධානය ටයිප් කරන්න. (Type the command)👇                                       powercfg /batteryreport Step 03:-Enter ඔබන්න. ( Press Enter) 💥Report බැටරි වාර්තාව බැලීමට වින්ඩෝස් + ආර් ඔබා පහත ස්ථානය ටයිප් කරන්න.( To view the Battery Report, press Windows+R and type the following location):👇  C:\WINDOWS\system32\battery-report.html  💥Ok හරි ක්ලික් කරන්න. මෙම ගොනුව ඔබගේ වෙබ් බ්‍රව්සරයේ විවෘත වේ. (Click Ok. This file will open in your web browser.) බලශක්ති වාර්තාවේ දැනට පවතින අනුවාදයන් සහ බැටරි වාර්තාව ඇතුළුව බැටරි සෞඛ්‍යය පරීක්ෂා කිරීම සඳහා ඔබ CMD කවුළුව තුළ POWERCFG විධානයන් ටයිප් කරන සෑම අවස්ථාවකම මෙම දත්ත නැ...

Set Timer To Shut Down

Set Timer To Shut Down 💥If you want to impress your friends by the automatic shutdown in your set time then follow below steps. Step: 1 Open your desktop homepage then right-click New Menu and click the shortcut. Step: 2 Now new pop up window of shortcut will open where type below command. shutdown -s -t 120 💥Note: 120 is the second means 2 min, you can change as per you want. Step: 3 After you type click on next and then finish. Step: 4 Now you will see the shortcut icon is created on your desktop computer click on that so it will activate and automatically shut down your computer as per your time is given. 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. 🔆Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Turn on gaming mode in your computer.

Turn on gaming mode in your computer. 🔆If you are someone who constantly faces drops and lags while playing games on your Windows PC then the Game Mode on Windows 10 can help you to improve your Gaming Performance. 🔆Follow this steps.👇 💥Step 01:-Go to Settings Gaming Game Mode 💥Step 02:- turn on Game Mode. 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. 🔆Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Enable Dark Mode on Windows 10

Enable Dark Mode on Windows 10 🔆The dark mode helps you to reduce eye strain and in addition to this, it also helps to save the battery life on your laptops. To enable Dark Mode in Windows 10 all you have to do is:- 💥Step 1: Go to Settings - Personalisation - Colors. 💥Step 2: From the “Choose your color” section select “Dark” to turn on Dark Mode on your Windows 10 system. 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. 🔆Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Open apps on your Taskbar with keyboard shortcuts

Open apps on your Taskbar with keyboard shortcuts 💥If you've pinned programs to your Taskbar at the bottom of your screen to create a shortcut, you don't have to click the icons to open them. Instead, use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + [Number key], with the number key corresponding to the position of the program on the Taskbar. 🔆For example, Windows key + 2 will open the second item on the Taskbar. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Format Hard Disk Using Just Notepad

Format Hard Disk Using Just Notepad 💥Read the post before try this trick.💥 💥💥💥💥This code will delete all your hard drive data.💥💥💥💥 ⭕This code will delete all your hard drive data. Just copy the below code and paste in notepad and save it as “anyname.exe”. 01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100 0010000000101111010100010010111101011000 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Take a screenshot in computer

Take a screenshot in computer. 💥If you want to capture and save a picture of your entire screen, the easiest way is to hit the Windows key + Print Screen key, and that picture will be saved to the Pictures Screenshots folder. 💥To capture just one part of your screen, hit the Windows key + Shift + S to open a tool called Snip Sketch, which allows you to click and drag to create a screenshot, which is saved to your Clipboard. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Scan system files for problems

Scan system files for problems 💥The sfc /scannow command runs a system file checker tool that scans Windows system files and looks for problems. If some files are missing or corrupted, this command fixes them. 💥Open your computer command prompt. 💥Type this code👇. press enter. sfc /scannow 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Send output to clipboard.

Send output to clipboard 💥Very often, you might have felt the need to save the output of a command? Usually, people use copy and paste. However, using a simple command that uses pipe operator, you can send the command’s output to the Windows clipboard. Here’s how to send the ipconfig information: ipconfig | clip 💥 Try to see if you can copy the output to other command prompt codes as well. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

See PC driver list useing command prompt.

See PC driver list useing command prompt. 💥 Using a simple command, you can see all the drivers installed on your computer. All you need to do is run driverquery command, and you’ll be seeing a list of all the drivers along with their name, type, and other information. 💥Run this command in command prompt.👇 driverquery 💥You can see ,Module Name ,Display Name,Driver Type,Link Date. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Make A Personal Log-Book or A Diary

Make A Personal Log-Book or A Diary 💥Copy the below code and paste it into notepad and save it as “log.txt”. .LOG 💥Now every time you open this log file, you will have all the log details with date and time. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

View All Hidden files and folder use command prompt.

View All The Hidden Files And Folder using Command Prompt in Windows 💥Open Command Prompt as an Administrator. Navigate to the drive whose files are hidden and you want to recover. 💥Then Type attrib -s -h -r /s /d *.* and hit Enter. 💥That is it. Now you will get all the hidden files and folder as general files and you can use it. ⭕Note: You can also show all types of hidden files and folder without using Command Prompt. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Hit Backspace Continuously

Hit Backspace Continuously ⭕please read the post before start this program.⭕ 💥Well, this is one of the funniest things which you can do to annoy anyone. This trick will make hit backspace continuously. You just need to copy and paste the given code below in the notepad file: MsgBox “Backspace again and again and AGAIN” Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) do wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys “{bs}” loop 💥You need to save the Notepad file in .vbs file format to make it work. In order to stop the script, you need to use the Task Manager on Windows. 💥Disable Backspace continuously. 👉 First open Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del) 👉 Then Go to process tab. 👉 Select wscript.exe 👉 Click on End process. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Fake Windows Error Message

Fake Windows Error Message 🔆Type the following command in Notepad and save the file as error.vbs then Open the saved file and your fake error message will appear. X=Msgbox(“Press OK and Windows will restart now.”,0+16,“There is a serious problem in your system”) 🔆Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Enable Slide to Shutdown

Enable Slide to Shutdown 💥This trick is complicated and probably not worth the effort for what you get out of it, but you can use it to slide your computer to the off position. Click right on the your computer desktop and select new Shortcut. then ensuing pop-up window, paste the following line of codes. %windir%\System32\SlideToShutDown.exe 💥 Right-click the file and enter Properties to add a shortcut key or double-click the file to tun the program. This prompts a pull-down shade to appear, which you can drag with the mouse down to the bottom of the screen. Keep in mind, this is shutdown, not sleep. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group 01 Whatsapp group 02

Disable Mouse Controls

Disable Mouse Controls ⭕⭕⭕Please read the post before trying this and understand what happens by implementing this. When this is enabled your computer cannot be operated using a mouse.⭕⭕⭕ 💥Well, you should never try this on your computer, because this method disables the mouse controls on your computer. rem Disable Mouse set key=”HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass” reg delete %key% reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 💥Paste the above code in notepad and save it as disablemouse.bat in your computer. 💥Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and leave a comment below. join our telegram channel,facebook page,twitter page and whatsapp group.Thank you. ⏩Follow us.👇 Telegram Facebook Twitter Whatsapp group